The project ACT4NGO – Activities, Capacity Building and Training for Non-Governmental Organisations working for poverty eradication aims to empower 40 small NGOs working in poor rural communities to increase their impact at regional and national level by providing a package of visibility services, mentoring, thematic lobby and advocacy trainings and inclusion in a national poverty eradication network.
Thus, through the project, organisations will benefit from a mentoring programme in areas such as effective management and good internal governance, visibility and advocacy, community work and volunteering, working with authorities and funding.
Through the training programme developed by the project, training sessions will be held on the following topics: effective management procedures, volunteer management, communication and visibility, fundraising and grant writing, networking, lobbying, advocacy and watchdog, community involvement and cooperation with stakeholders and working with media representatives.
The project is carried out by the Association Institute for Social Partnership Bucovina in partnership with the Regional Resource Centre for Non-Governmental Organizations Suceava, Novapolis Association – Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development, FONSS – Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social Services and FONIX AS and benefits from a funding of 249,904 euros, through the Active Citizens Fund Romania programme, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The content of this page does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014 – 2021.
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Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at
Strengthening for 24 months the intervention capacity of 40 small NGOs working in poverty-affected communities by providing a package of mentoring/coaching services, specific trainings and networking.
Professionalisation and capacity building of 40 small NGOs to carry out lobbying and advocacy activities to support the work of the non-governmental sector in poverty-affected communities for a period of 24 months.
24-month promotion of the non-governmental sector working to combat and reduce poverty in rural areas by empowering at least 40 NGOs to develop visible actions and communication and to increase the level of participation and involvement of stakeholders at community, local and national level, as well as connecting them to thematic networks and platforms at regional, national and European level.