Association Institute for Social Partnership Bucovina

The mission of the organization is to support the sustainable development of communities throughout Romania, including the South-East, North and North-East regions of Romania, South-West Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and throughout Europe by establishing learning partnerships, organizing and conducting vocational training programs and promoting continuing education.

The main activities of the association consist of:

– creating programmes to facilitate intercultural learning, cross-border cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of social economy and labour market employment of vulnerable people;

– supporting young people and adults in rural areas, migrants, minorities and people with disabilities to ensure access to all forms of learning and the labour market;

– promoting regional and community development through the development of training, retraining, further training, specialisation, apprenticeships, and the development of skills assessment and certification programmes accessible to all social categories;

– Organising voluntary activities for the development of work skills and thematic trainings for the prevention of human trafficking, bullying and segregation of disabled and Roma children in schools;

– furnizarea de servicii sociale suport acreditate pentru incluziunea socială a persoanelor aflate în risc de sărăcie.

– provision of accredited social support services for the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty.

Regional Resource Centre for Non-Governmental Organizations Suceava

The CENRES’ mission is to encourage civic spirit and freedom of association, the structural modernization of Romanian society, the alignment with contemporary debates on the third sector in Romania, the sustainable development of Romanian civil society and the consolidation of participatory democracy in Romania.

It was founded in 2001 and represents a support structure for the development of the non-governmental and non-profit sector in the northeast area of ​​Romania.

Among the activities:

– Initiating and participating in national/ or regional programmes, including institutional and civic partnerships.

– Elaboration of local and/or regional development projects and programmes, including the elaboration of own action and intervention programmes.

– Organization of seminars, round tables, conferences, forums, exhibitions, symposia and colloquiums.

– Organisation of educational activities and training courses, including bilateral and multilateral programmes for transfer of know-how or exchange of experience.

Novapolis Association – Center for analysis and initiatives for development

Novapolis Association – Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development is an NGO founded in 2012 that aims to contribute to the consolidation of a democratic, inclusive and diverse society, socially and economically balanced, able to meet the needs of all. Main areas of activity: grassroots actions, analysis and evaluation of public policies or their impact at national and local level, implementation of projects in the social field, immigration and integration of foreigners, labour mobility in the European area, inclusion and participation of young people, social justice, social dialogue and community development, equal opportunities and equal opportunities, promotion of education, culture and democratic values.

Novapolis holds the presidency of RENASIS – National Anti-Poverty – Social Inclusion Network, part of the European Anti-Poverty Network EAPN Europe. Within the network, Novapolis carries out national and European activities for the prevention of social exclusion and the fight against poverty.

Fønix AS

Fonix is one of the largest non-governmental organisations in the retraining sector in Norway, with over 200 employees. FONIX beneficiaries are job seekers, migrants, and specializes in working with young NEETs.

Fonix AS bases its work on the individual needs of each person in need of employment assistance through qualification, training and apprenticeship programmes. For people in need of assistance,

FONIX AS offers:

– specialised and individual programmes tailored to the individual for qualification

– offering the possibility of adapting the job to the needs of the individual

– labour market mediation or further education in regular education

– on-the-job training for people who need basic workplace skills and language training for migrant integration.

FONIX AS has experience in training for other companies/institutions, both in the public and private sector in several areas such as expertise in training techniques and community mobilization, thematic trainings for NGOs and networking.

Fonix AS is accredited by the Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning and is involved in the Norwegian Basic Skills Work Life (BCWL) programme. FONIX has experience in providing services for the acquisition of basic skills in the vocational sphere, including basic skills training for formal vocational qualifications.

FONSS – Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations for Social Services

FONSS acquired legal personality and was registered in the Register of Federations of the Iasi Court, by Civil Judgment no. 2915/13.08.2014, in case no. 4378/99/2014, registered at the Iasi Court. The federation, initially established at the level of the North East region, has extended its activity to the national level, in order to be a voice of those who carry out, in the private system, social services.

FONSS has made it its mission to engage in policy change and sustainable development of social services. The Federation is currently made up of 44 non-governmental organizations, legal entities under Romanian law, involved in the provision of social services for vulnerable groups, with recognized activity in their field.

FONSS aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of non-governmental organizations in Romania to act in the field of social services in order to achieve the following goals:

– promoting the involvement of Romanian NGOs in local, regional, national, European and cross-border policy for the development of social services;

– supporting non-governmental organisations in Romania to contribute effectively to the sustainable development of social services in the community;

-raising citizens’ awareness of the importance of developing social services in the community as a means of inclusion and combating poverty.